New appreciation from experience and sensation will emerge ceaselessly in the process of practicing taijiquan. Actually, these kinds of sensation are temporarily but not reality. This is known as ‘wishing thinking’ in Buddhism. To seek for improvement we always have a thought in mind that “now I have come to realize how wrong I have been all those years”. When we feel that we are well presented, we need to be more careful. It is because when people are self-satisfied, we will reluctant to be away from this state partially and unwilling to move on. This is not only happen on practicing taijiquan, seeking wisdom requires the same attitude.
When we practicing taijiquan, we have a wishful thinking at the most that we feel we can relax very well. If we want to improve, we must know that the feeling of relax not under pressure is just a wishful thinking. In order to check and find out our relax state, we can push hands (a two-person routine exercise in Taiji) with the disciples under same master who is good at Jin listening. Try to relax under the pressure of the disciples during the push hand exercise. Apart from finding out if we can truly relax under pressure, we can also request the training partners to tell us the mistakes. This is an effective way to find out our shortcomings and make improvement. When you can overcome the difficulties you can also improve your awareness by vision. It is because after you have increased your standard, you can find out many mistakes of the others. However, we should remember that good and bad come out under comparison. When you feel that someone has made many mistakes, you are same as him in the presence of the master. My master never said we were doing right at taijiquan lessons. He just kept pointing out our mistakes. This teaching method was somewhat discouraging, however, it forced us to go forward. The more advance state we are in taijiquan, the more difficult in finding our shortcomings. We don’t know when we could identify our own shortcomings if we just practice on our own. If no teacher shows the way, it is
difficult to move on.
Written by Patrick SW Chan
Translated by Shirley Cheng