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  • 作家相片陳少華

取意忘像 Focusing on Intent to let go of form



太極拳是形於上的學問, 知識水平高的人, 能以文入道, 学習比較容易, 學識水平不高如何入道? 嘗試改變思維, 萬物皆為〝師〞, 有形有像皆為假, 無形無像方為真, 取意忘像? 其實很抽象, 很難用文字及言語去表達, 極其量用比喻去啓發學習者思維, 例如; 見到一隻大猩猩盤膝而坐, 你會聯想到什麽? 我會在其週边劃上幾條虛線或實線, 太極心法十要已在其中, 虛靈頂勁, 氣沉丹田…….. 等中正安舒, 悠然自得, 取其意而忘像, 溶入這個意念去練拳, 由這一個〝意〞生另一個〝像〞,新的像與周圍環景溶合產生另一個〝意〞, 意與像不是簡單結合, 將意像升華到忘像取意, 取意忘形, 它是虛實結合一種精神狀態, 是一種〝悟〞境界, 並非邏輯範圍.

學習形於上的東西, 需要有一個共同理念的練習伙伴, 互相交流, 不斷 嘗試新方法, 發現誤解之後, 還原基本步, 重新開始, 這個過程會不斷重覆, 進步緩慢令人氣餒, 但當覺得自己差的時後, 進步己在前面。

Tsang Shing Cheung :

Taijiquan is a kind of knowledge in the metaphysical pursuit of abstract ideal, that which is antecedent to the existence of material form. In deploying their knowledge to find the way (ideal method), intellectuals find it easier to learn Taijiquan. How can less knowledgeable ones find the way? Try to change one’s thoughts in accepting that everything can be a tutor; having physical shape and form is false; without any physical shape and form is true; focus on intent to let go of form? Being abstract, it is very difficult to use words to express. The best that can be done is to use metaphors to inspire the thoughts of learners. For example, a gorilla sits with legs crossed. What do you associate with? I would draw some dotted or solid lines along its rim. Taiji’s 10 essential principles of body position are already there – straightening neck with suspended head, sinking qi to dantien, comfortably maintaining the central equilibrium….etc. With focus on one’s mind whilst forgetting the physical form, immerse in this thought to practise Taiji. From this thoughtful intent produces another physical form. This new form then fuses with the surrounding environment to yield another intent. Intent and form do not simply combine together. They are sublimed to a state whereby form is let go but intent is maintained, focusing on the latter whilst forgetting the former. This spiritual status is an amalgamation of emptiness and solid. This is a state of awakening which does not fall within the sphere of logic.

To learn metaphysical ideal, a practising partner with a common vision is required to interact and share as well as to try new methods continuously. When misconception has been found, return to the basics and start again. This process is being repeated constantly, with its slow progress discouraging. However, when feeling oneself is not doing well, advancement already lies ahead.



Yan Yang:

What is Metaphysics please?


形而上指: 『超乎形體之外者,即超經驗界或本體界的事物。

相對於形而下而言。易經繫辭上:形而上者謂之道。簡稱為形上』 形而下指: 『有形或具體者,即物理界或現象界的事物。相對於形而上而言。易經繫辭上:形而下者謂之器。簡稱為形下』簡單形而上是指理想、精神方面。形而下是指實在、物質方面。



Chan Siu Wah:

Metaphysics refers to something beyond physical form, something outside of empirical boundary and noumenal self. Compared with the Physical Domain (that which is subsequent to the existence of material form), The Great Treatise 1 in I Ching states that Metaphysics involves the way.

Physical Domain represents something tangible and solid, touching on the physical arena and phenomenal world. Contrasted with Metaphysics, The Great Treatise 1 in I Ching defines Physical Domain as ware, a definite thing in its complete material form.

Putting it simply, metaphysics refers to ideal and spirit; Physical Domain represents something solid, of the material realm.

Learning Taiji requires knowledge from both metaphysical and physical domains, with the former concerning theory and the latter on physical form. Beginners firstly learn to practise the physical form. This is a convenient method to acquire knowledge at the entry level on Taiji and to tune in their body conditions to meet what is demanded from theory, whilst at the same time, learning of theory can complement each other. The objective in learning is then clearly set. With any increase in the skills in practising physical form, there will be a corresponding increase in the understanding of theory; with an enhancement in the understanding of theory, the standard in practising physical form can be raised accordingly. The art in Taijiquan, in general, can be progressed in this wave-like manner.

When the body conditions have fully complied with the requisites of the theory, breakthrough can only be sought relating to thoughts about the theory, exploring the philosophical side of it. Master Wang’s health was not good at his old age and he had no strength to practise Taijiquan. Yet his techniques improved a lot. As I didn’t understand, I asked Master Wang and here was his reply “Being a Buddha, is it still necessary to recite scriptures”?

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